Vortex pairs in the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation

Bramburger, J. J.; Cuevas-Maraver, J.; Kevrekidis, P. G.

VL / 33 - BP / 2159 - EP / 2180
The aim of the present work is to examine the role of discreteness in the interaction of both co-winding and counter-winding vortices in the context of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Contrary to the well-known rotation of same charge vortices and translation of opposite charge vortices, we find that strong discreteness is able to halt both types of pairs into stationary, potentially stable configurations up to a critical inter-site coupling strength. Past the relevant critical point the behavior is also somewhat counter-intuitive as, for instance, counterwinding vortices start moving but also approach each other. This lateral motion becomes weaker as the continuum limit is approached and we conjecture that genuine traveling appears only at the continuum limit. Analogous features arise in the cowinding where the discrete coherent structure pair spirals outward, with rigid rotation being restored only in the continuum limit.

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