Pablo Burraco

Seville / Spain
262 InfluRatio
6 Indexed Publications in Altmetrics

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Article Climate change and ageing in ectotherms Burraco, Pablo; Orizaola, German; Monaghan, Pat; Metcalfe, Neil B. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 1354-1013 (2020) DOI / 10.1111/gcb.15305 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Green accepted, Gold other
Mentions   0   Wikipedia   1   News   0   Policy
Article Eucalypt leaf litter impairs growth and development of amphibian larvae, inhibits their antipredator responses and alters their physiology Burraco, Pablo; Iglesias-Carrasco, Maider; Cabido, Carlos; Gomez-Mestre, Ivan CONSERVATION PHYSIOLOGY 2051-1434 (2018) DOI / 10.1093/conphys/coy066 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Green published, Green submitted, Gold
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