Oscar Fernandez

Malaga / Spain
262 InfluRatio
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Article Efficacy of alemtuzumab over 6 years in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients who relapsed between courses 1 and 2: Post hoc analysis of the CARE-MS studies Van Wijmeersch, Bart; Singer, Barry A.; Boster, Aaron; Broadley, Simon; Fernandez, Oscar; Freedman, Mark S.; Izquierdo, Guillermo; Lycke, Jan; Pozzilli, Carlo; Sharrack, Basil; Steingo, Brian; Wiendl, Heinz; Wray, Sibyl; Ziemssen, Tjalf; Chung, Luke; Margo MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL 1352-4585 (2019) DOI / 10.1177/1352458519881759 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Gold other, Green published
Mentions   0   Wikipedia   1   News   0   Policy
Review Autoimmunity and long-term safety and efficacy of alemtuzumab for multiple sclerosis: Benefit/risk following review of trial and post-marketing data Coles, Alasdair J.; Jones, Joanne L.; Vermersch, Patrick; Traboulsee, Anthony; Bass, Ann D.; Boster, Aaron; Chan, Andrew; Comi, Giancarlo; Fernandez, Oscar; Giovannoni, Gavin; Kubala Havrdova, Eva; LaGanke, Christopher; Montalban, Xavier; Oreja-Guevara, Ce MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL 1352-4585 (2021) DOI / 10.1177/13524585211061335 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Hybrid
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