First vertebrate tracks and palaeoenvironment in a MIS-5 context in the Donana National Park (Huelva, SW Spain)

De Carvalho, Carlos Neto; Muniz, Fernando; Galan, Jose Maria; Rodriguez-Vidal, Joaquin; Gomez, Paula; Toscano, Antonio; Ruiz, Francisco; Belo, Joao; Belaustegui, Zain; Caceres, Luis Miguel; Finlayson, Geraldine; Finlayson, Stewart; Guzman, Francisco Giles; Finlayson, Clive

VL / 243 - BP / - EP /
A Late Pleistocene surface full of tracks and trackways (named 'Matalascanas Trampled Surface') has been exposed at the base of the 'El Asperillo' cliff (Donana National Park, Matalascanas, Huelva, southwestern Spain) as a result of recent storms. This surface has been identified as the bottom of the unit AU1, according to the local stratigraphic section, and originated during the marine stage MIS-5 (similar to 106 +/- 19 kyr). This trampled surface records exceptional tracks and trackways of different terrestrial vertebrates. In particular, three morphotypes of tracks ascribed to Artiodactyla (the auroch Bos primigenius? the red deer Cervus elaphus and wild boar Sus scrofa), one to Elephantidae (Palaeoloxodon antiquus), one of Canidae (Canis lupus), and three to waterbirds (geese, Anserinae, and waders, Charadrii) have been identified. This ichnoassociation is characteristic of a shorebird ichnofacies. We interpret this trampled surface to have been related to puddled areas of shallow waters in an inter-dune position, similar to present day examples in the Donana National Park. (c) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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