Presence of microplastics in water, sediments and fish species in an urban coastal environment of Fiji, a Pacific small island developing state

Ferreira, Marta; Thompson, Jameel; Paris, Andrew; Rohindra, David; Rico, Ciro

VL / 153 - BP / - EP /
Microplastics (MP) in the marine environment are widely reported. However, MP occurrence in some geographical areas such as from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is missing. The main aim of this study was to assess MP levels in the urban coastal environment of Suva, the capital of the Republic of Fiji. Microplastics were measured from surface water, sediments and fish gastrointestinal tracts (GI) from three sites adjacent to Suva. In addition, an evaluation on the contribution from the local sewage treatment plant to MP levels was undertaken. In general, low levels of MP in water and sediments were detected, but significant differences were observed among sites. The sewage treatment plant was shown to contribute to MP levels in sediment but not in water. Species ingestion of MP was high and associated with MP in sediments. Fibres and fragments were the predominant type of MP, and fifteen different polymers were detected, with higher percentages of polyethylene, latex and polypropylene. In conclusion, MP were found in Suva coastal environment and these MP were associated to land based human activities.

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