Tracking the Dynamics of an Ideal Quantum Measurement

Pokorny, Fabian; Zhang, Chi; Higgins, Gerard; Cabello, Adan; Kleinmann, Matthias; Hennrich, Markus

VL / 124 - BP / - EP /
The existence of ideal quantum measurements is one of the fundamental predictions of quantum mechanics. In theory, an ideal measurement projects a quantum state onto the eigenbasis of the measurement observable, while preserving coherences between eigenstates that have the same eigenvalue. The question arises whether there are processes in nature that correspond to such ideal quantum measurements and how such processes are dynamically implemented in nature. Here we address this question and present experimental results monitoring the dynamics of a naturally occurring measurement process: the coupling of a trapped ion qutrit to the photon environment. By taking tomographic snapshots during the detection process, we show that the process develops in agreement with the model of an ideal quantum measurement with an average fidelity of 94%.
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