Fragmentation of Single-Particle Strength around the Doubly Magic Nucleus Sn-132 and the Position of the 0f (5/2) Proton-Hole State in In-131

Vaquero, V.; Jungclaus, A.; Aumann, T.; Tscheuschner, J.; Litvinova, E. V.; Tostevin, J. A.; Baba, H.; Ahn, D. S.; Avigo, R.; Boretzky, K.; Bracco, A.; Caesar, C.; Camera, F.; Chen, S.; Derya, V.; Doornenbal, P.; Endres, J.; Fukuda, N.; Garg, U.; Giaz, A.; Harakeh, M. N.; Heil, M.; Horvat, A.; Ieki, K.; Imai, N.; Inabe, N.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki, N.; Kobayashi, N.; Kondo, Y.; Koyama, S.; Kubo, T.; Martel, I.; Matsushita, M.; Million, B.; Motobayashi, T.; Nakamura, T.; Nakatsuka, N.; Nishimura, M.; Nishimura, S.; Ota, S.; Otsu, H.; Ozaki, T.; Petri, M.; Reifarth, R.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. L.; Rossi, D.; Saito, A. T.; Sakurai, H.; Savran, D.; Scheit, H.; Schindler, F.; Schrock, P.; Semmler, D.; Shiga, Y.; Shikata, M.; Shimizu, Y.; Simon, H.; Steppenbeck, D.; Suzuki, H.; Sumikama, T.; Symochko, D.; Syndikus, I.; Takeda, H.; Takeuchi, S.; Taniuchi, R.; Togano, Y.; Tsubota, J.; Wang, H.; Wieland, O.; Yoneda, K.; Zenihiro, J.; Zilges, A.

VL / 124 - BP / - EP /
Spectroscopic factors of neutron-hole and proton-hole states in Sn-131 and In-131, respectively, were measured using one-nucleon removal reactions from doubly magic Sn-132 at relativistic energies. For In-131, a 2910(50)-keV gamma ray was observed for the first time and tentatively assigned to a decay from a 5/2(-) state at 3275(50) keV to the known 1/2(-) level at 365 keV. The spectroscopic factors determined for this new excited state and three other single-hole states provide first evidence for a strong fragmentation of single-hole strength in Sn-131 and In-131. The experimental results are compared to theoretical calculations based on the relativistic particle-vibration coupling model and to experimental information for single-hole states in the stable doubly magic nucleus Pb-208.
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