Scientific journals published by universities in Web of Science: Characteristics and contribution to the university brand

Repiso, Rafael; Orduna-Malea, Enrique; Aguaded, Ignacio

VL / 28 - BP / - EP /
This work aims to analyse the contribution that academic journals make to their university brand. To this end, the presence of journals and university in the reference databases (Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index, part of Web of Science) are identified. Later, a bibliometric analysis is carried out to describe the population of journals studied, analysing elements such as distribution by country, publishing universities, co-publishing, indexing success rates, presence by area and scientific impact. Finally 1,492 journals published by 387 universities in 56 countries are identified. Anglo-Saxon universities stand out for their high number of journals indexed in WoS, especially Oxford and Cambridge, which together account for 38.7% of the titles.

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Green accepted, Bronze