Spanish list of potentially inappropriate drugs in the elderly (ES-PIA project)

Gonzalez-Colaco Harmand, Magali; Maria Aldea-Perona, Ana; Boada-Fernandez del Campo, Carlos; Areosa-Sastre, Almudena; Rodriguez-Jimenez, Consuelo; Garcia Sanchez-Colomer, Marcelino; Fernandez Quintana, Eduardo; Plasencia-Nunez, Mercedes; Masiero-Aparicio, Paula; Grillo-Grillo, Candelaria; Orellana-Mobilli, Andres; Garcia Saiz, Mar; Duarte Dieguez, Carmen; Hornillos Calvo, Mercedes; Avellana Zaragoza, Juan Antonio; Martinez Velilla, Nicolas; Perez Hernandez, Domingo de Guzman; Ruiz Gonzalez, Mario; Blanco Reina, Encarnacion; Asensio Ostos, Carmen; Peiro, Ana; Cabrera Garcia, Lourdes; Hortiguela Moro, Fuensanta; Perez Alayon, Herlinda; Esparrago Garcia, Iriana; Santana Quilez, Javier; Alonso Ramirez, Javier; Fernandez Oropesa, Carlos; Lopez Varona, Ma Jose; Acin Gerico, Ma Teresa; Sanz Alvarez, Emilio; Martin de la Sierra, Maria Angeles; Jose Penalver, Maria; Falomir Gomez, Teresa; Ruiz Salazar, Jesus; Rivas, Gabriela Elizondo; Rey Rodriguez, Edmundo

VL / 75 - BP / 1161 - EP / 1176
PurposeIn the last decades, different criteria have been developed for detecting inappropriate prescription in older patients. In Spain, translations and adaptations of international lists are available but it would be necessary a national list which could cope with the peculiarities of our health system, existing pharmaceutical market, and prescription habits. We propose in this project the creation of a Spanish potentially inappropriate drugs list which could be applicable in our clinical scenario.MethodsWe use a Delphi method involving 25 experts from different backgrounds (Clinical Pharmacology, Geriatrics, Rational Use of Drugs and Pharmacy, Primary Care and Pharmacoepidemiology, and Pharmacovigilance) that were asked to participate in two-round questionnaires.For analysis, current recommendations of Worth and Pigni were applied, and every statement was classified into one of three groups: strong, moderate, or low agreement. Statements with strong agreement were accepted to be part of the inadequate prescription list. Moderate agreement statements were selected to enter the second questionnaire, and statements with low agreement were further analyzed to determine if it was due to heterogeneity or due to dispersion in the answers.ResultsThe first questionnaire consisted of 160 proposed sentences, of which 106 reached a high agreement, 32 a moderate agreement, and 22 a low agreement. All sentences proposed in the second questionnaire reached a strong agreement. The total accepted sentences were 138.ConclusionsWe offer a list of inadequate prescription in older patients adapted to the Spanish pharmacopeia and according to the prescription habits in our environment.

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