A robustness study of calibration models for olive oil classification: Targeted and non-targeted fingerprint approaches based on GC-IMS

del Mar Contreras, Maria; Jurado-Campos, Natividad; Arce, Lourdes; Arroyo-Manzanares, Natalia

VL / 288 - BP / 315 - EP / 324
The dual separation in gas chromatographyion mobility spectrometry generates complex multi-dimensional data, whose interpretation is a challenge. In this work, two chemometric approaches for olive oil classification are compared to get the most robust model over time: i) an non-targeted fingerprinting analysis, in which the overall GCIMS data was processed and ii) a targeted approach based on peak-region features (markers). A total of 701 olive samples from two harvests (2014-2015 and 2015-2016) were analysed and processed by both approaches. The models built with data samples of 2014-2015 showed that both approaches were suitable for samples classification (success > 74%). However, when these models were applied for classifying samples from 2015-2016, better values were obtained using markers. The combination of data from the two harvests to build the chemometric models improved the percentages of success (> 90%). These results confirm the potential of GCIMS-based approaches for olive oil classification.

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