Manufacturing of Non-Stick Molds from Pre-Painted Aluminum Sheets via Single Point Incremental Forming

Rodriguez-Alabanda, Oscar; Narvaez, Miguel A.; Guerrero-Vaca, Guillermo; Romero, Pablo E.

VL / 8 - BP / - EP /
The process of single point incremental formation (SPIF) awakens interest in the industry of mold manufacturing for the food industry. By means of SPIF, it is possible to generate short series of molds or mold prototypes at low cost. However, these industries require such molds to be functional (non-sticky) and to have an adequate geometry accuracy. This study presents a technique that enables direct manufacturing of molds from pre-coated sheets with non-stick resins. It has also studied the influence of two technological variables in the process (feed-rate and pitch) for different geometrical parameters of the mold. Low values of these variables result in a lower overall error in the profile obtained. However, in order to obtain greater detail in particular parameters (angles, depth), it is necessary to use higher values of feed-rate and pitch.

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Gold DOAJ, Green published