Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among First-Year College Students: Results From the WMH-ICS Project

Mortier, Philippe; Auerbach, Randy P.; Alonso, Jordi; Bantjes, Jason; Benjet, Corina; Cuijpers, Pim; Ebert, David D.; Green, Jennifer Greif; Hasking, Penelope; Nock, Matthew K.; O'Neill, Siobhan; Pinder-Amaker, Stephanie; Sampson, Nancy A.; Vilagut, Gemma; Zaslaysky, Alan M.; Bruffaerts, Ronny; Kessler, Ronald C.; Boyes, Mark; Kiekens, Glenn; Baumeister, Harald; Kaehlke, Fanny; Berking, Matthias; Ramirez, Adrian Abrego; Borges, Guilherme; Diaz, Anabell Covarrubias; Duran, Ma. Socorro; Gonzalez, Rogaciano Gonzalez; Gutierrez-Garcia, Raul A.; de la Torre, Alicia Edith Hermosillo; Martinez, Kalina Isela Martinez; Medina-Mora, Maria Elena; Zarazua, Humberto Mejia; Tarango, Gustavo Perez; Berbena, Maria Alicia Zavala; Bjourson, Tony; Lochner, Christine; Roos, Janine; Cur, Hons B.; Taljaard, Lian; Saal, Wylene; Stein, Dan; Alayo, Itxaso; Almenara, Jose; Ballester, Laura; Barbaglia, Gabriela; Jesus Blasco, Maria; Castellvi, Pere; Isabel Cebria, Ana; Echeburua, Enrique; Gabilondo, Andrea; Garcia-Forero, Carlos; Iruin

VL / 57 - BP / 263 - EP / +
Objective: College entrance may be a strategically well-placed "point of capture" for detecting late adolescents with suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB). However, a clear epidemiological picture of STB among incoming college students is lacking. We present the first cross-national data on prevalence as well as socio-demographic and college-related correlates for STB among first-year college students. Method: Web-based self-report surveys were obtained from 13,984 first-year students (response rate 45.5%) across 19 colleges in 8 countries (Australia, Belgium, Germany, Mexico, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Spain, and the United States). Results: Lifetime prevalence of suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts was 32.7%, 17.5%, and 4.3%, respectively. The 12-month prevalence was 17.2%, 8.8%, and 1.0%, respectively. About three-fourths of STB cases had onset before the age of 16 years (Q3 = 15.8), with persistence figures in the range of 41% to 53%. About one-half (53.4%) of lifetime ideators transitioned to a suicide plan; 22.1% of lifetime planners transitioned to an attempt. Attempts among lifetime ideators without plan were less frequent (3.1%). Significant correlates of lifetime STB were cross-nationally consistent and generally modest in effect size (median adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.7). Nonheterosexual orientation (aOR range 3.3-7.9) and heterosexual orientation with some same-sex attraction (aOR range 1.9-2.3) were the strongest correlates of STB, and of transitioning from ideation to plans and/or attempts (aOR range 1.6-6.1). Conclusion: The distribution of STB in first-year students is widespread, and relatively independent of socio-demographic risk profile. Multivariate risk algorithms based on a high number of risk factors are indicated to efficiently link high-risk status with effective preventive interventions.

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