The megalithic necropolis of Panoria, Granada, Spain: Geoarchaeological characterization and provenance studies

Aranda Jimenez, Gonzalo; Lozano, Jose A.; Perez Valera, Fernando

VL / 33 - BP / 260 - EP / 270
The characterization of materials used in the construction of megalithic monuments can be considered a key aspect for a better understanding of the social behavior of past societies. The excavation of four dolmens and one small cist in 2015 at the megalithic necropolis of Panoria (Granada, Spain) offered an excellent opportunity to explore the geological properties and potential source area(s) of the uprights used in their construction. All the stone slabs came from the same raw material: fine-grained, beige to pink limestones that occasionally show red and black chert nodules, with wavy stratifications and a packstone texture. Comparison with the geological properties of the surrounding outcrops matches a lithostratigraphy known as the Ammonitico Rosso Formation. Thus, it seems safe to say that the quarry area was located next to the necropolis. Explanations other than the traditional practical reasons have been put forward to understand why the stone slabs were quarried from the same mountain in which the tombs were located.

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