Trabajos de Antonio Miranda-Vizuete

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Biology & Biochemistry

  Listando 13 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Biology & Biochemistry
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Article A conserved cysteine-based redox mechanism sustains TFEB/HLH-30 activity under persistent stress Martina, Jose A.; Guerrero-Gomez, David; Gomez-Orte, Eva; Antonio Barcena, Jose; Cabello, Juan; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Puertollano, Rosa EMBO JOURNAL 0261-4189 (2020) DOI / 10.15252/embj.2020105793
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Article The peroxisomal fatty acid transporter ABCD1/PMP-4 is required in the C. elegans hypodermis for axonal maintenance: A worm model for adrenoleukodystrophy Coppa, Andrea; Guha, Sanjib; Fourcade, Stephane; Parameswaran, Janani; Ruiz, Montserrat; Moser, Ann B.; Schluter, Agatha; Murphy, Michael P.; Miguel Lizcano, Jose; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Dalfo, Esther; Pujol, Aurora FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 0891-5849 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2020.01.177
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Article Loss of glutathione redox homeostasis impairs proteostasis by inhibiting autophagy-dependent protein degradation Guerrero-Gomez, David; Antonio Mora-Lorca, Jose; Saenz-Narciso, Beatriz; Jose Naranjo-Galindo, Francisco; Munoz-Lobato, Fernando; Parrado-Fernandez, Cristina; Goikolea, Julen; Cedazo-Minguez, Angel; Link, Christopher D.; Neri, Christian; Dolores Sequedo, M CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION 1350-9047 (2019) DOI / 10.1038/s41418-018-0270-9 Green submitted, Green published, Bronze
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Review Sex-Specific Differences in Redox Homeostasis in Brain Norm and Disease Ruszkiewicz, Joanna A.; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Tinkov, Alexey A.; Skalnaya, Margarita G.; Skalny, Anatoly V.; Tsatsakis, Aristides; Aschner, Michael JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 0895-8696 (2019) DOI / 10.1007/s12031-018-1241-9
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Article Redox-dependent and redox-independent functions of Caenorhabditis elegans thioredoxin 1 Sanzo-Machuca, Angela; Monje Moreno, Jose Manuel; Casado-Navarro, Rafael; Karakuzu, Ozgur; Guerrero-Gomez, David; Fierro-Gonzalez, Juan Carlos; Swoboda, Peter; Munoz, Manuel J.; Garsin, Danielle A.; Pedrajas, Jose Rafael; Barrios, Arantza; Miranda-Vizuete, REDOX BIOLOGY 2213-2317 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.redox.2019.101178 Gold, Green published
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Article A Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of human selenium-binding protein 1 is a pro-aging factor protecting against selenite toxicity Koehnlein, Karl; Urban, Nadine; Guerrero-Gomez, David; Steinbrenner, Holger; Urbanek, Pavel; Priebs, Josephine; Koch, Philipp; Kaether, Christoph; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Klotz, Lars-Oliver REDOX BIOLOGY 2213-2317 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.redox.2019.101323 Green published, Gold
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Article Insights into the differential toxicological and antioxidant effects of 4-phenylchalcogenil-7-chloroquinolines in Caenorhabditis elegans Salgueiro, Willian G.; Goldani, Bruna S.; Peres, Tanara V.; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Aschner, Michael; Teixeira da Rocha, Joao Batista; Alves, Diego; Avila, Daiana S. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 0891-5849 (2017) DOI / 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2017.05.020 Bronze
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Article Cautionary note on the use of Caenorhabditis elegans to study muscle phenotypes caused by mutations in the human MYH7 gene Gil-Galvez, Alejandro; Carbonell-Corvillo, Pilar; Paradas, Carmen; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio BIOTECHNIQUES 0736-6205 (2020) DOI / 10.2144/btn-2020-0012 Gold DOAJ
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Article Selenoprotein T is required for pathogenic bacteria avoidance in Caenorhabditis elegans Romanelli-Cedrez, Laura; Carrera, Ines; Otero, Lucia; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Mariotti, Marco; Alkema, Mark J.; Salinas, Gustavo FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 0891-5849 (2017) DOI / 10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2017.03.021
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Article Downregulation of thioredoxin-1-dependent CD95 S-nitrosation by Sorafenib reduces liver cancer Gonzalez, Raul; Rodriguez-Hernandez, Maria A.; Negrete, Maria; Ranguelova, Kalina; Rossin, Aurelie; Choya-Foces, Carmen; de la Cruz-Ojeda, Patricia; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Martinez-Ruiz, Antonio; Rius-Perez, Sergio; Sastre, Juan; Barcena, Jose A.; Huebe REDOX BIOLOGY 2213-2317 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101528 Green published, Gold
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Review Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for understanding ROS function in physiology and disease Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Veal, Elizabeth A. REDOX BIOLOGY 2213-2317 (2017) DOI / 10.1016/j.redox.2016.12.020 Green published, Gold
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Article Exploring Target Genes Involved in the Effect of Quercetin on the Response to Oxidative Stress in Caenorhabditis elegans Ayuda-Duran, Begona; Gonzalez-Manzano, Susana; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Sanchez-Hernandez, Eva; Romero, Marta R.; Duenas, Montserrat; Santos-Buelga, Celestino; Gonzalez-Paramas, Ana M. ANTIOXIDANTS (2019) DOI / 10.3390/antiox8120585 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Epicatechin modulates stress-resistance in C. elegans via insulin/IGF-1 signaling pathway Ayuda-Duran, Begona; Gonzalez-Manzano, Susana; Miranda-Vizuete, Antonio; Duenas, Montserrat; Santos-Buelga, Celestino; Gonzalez-Paramas, Ana M. PLOS ONE 1932-6203 (2019) DOI / 10.1371/journal.pone.0199483 Green submitted, Green published, Gold