Trabajos de Zaira R. Palacios-Baena

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  Listando 9 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Microbiology
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Article Impact of De-escalation on Prognosis of Patients With Bacteremia due to Enterobacteriaceae: A Post Hoc Analysis From a Multicenter Prospective Cohort Palacios-Baena, Zaira R.; Delgado-Valverde, Mercedes; Valiente Mendez, Adoracion; Almirante, Benito; Gomez-Zorrilla, Silvia; Borrell, Nuria; Corzo, Juan E.; Gurgui, Mercedes; de la Calle, Cristina; Garcia-Alvarez, Lara; Ramos, Lucia; Gozalo, Monica; Isabel CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1058-4838 (2019) DOI / 10.1093/cid/ciy1032 Bronze
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Review Risk factors for carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections: a systematic review Palacios-Baena, Zaira R.; Giannella, Maddalena; Manissero, Davide; Rodriguez-Bano, Jesus; Viale, Pierluigi; Lopes, Sara; Wilson, Katy; McCool, Rachael; Longshaw, Christopher CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 1198-743X (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.cmi.2020.10.016 Hybrid
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Article Empiric Therapy With Carbapenem-Sparing Regimens for Bloodstream Infections due to Extended-Spectrum beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae: Results From the INCREMENT Cohort Raquel Palacios-Baena, Zaira; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, Belen; Calbo, Esther; Almirante, Benito; Viale, Pierluigi; Oliver, Antonio; Pintado, Vicente; Gasch, Oriol; Martinez-Martinez, Luis; Pitout, Johann; Akova, Murat; Pena, Carmen; Molina Gil-Bermejo, Jose; He CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1058-4838 (2017) DOI / 10.1093/cid/cix606 Green published
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Article Current mentorship practices in the training of the next generation of clinical microbiology and infectious disease specialists: an international cross-sectional survey Ong, David S. Y.; Zapf, Thea Christine; Cevik, Muge; Palacios-Baena, Zaira R.; Barac, Aleksandra; Cimen, Cansu; Maraolo, Alberto E.; Ronnberg, Caroline; Cambau, Emmanuelle; Poljak, Mario EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES 0934-9723 (2019) DOI / 10.1007/s10096-019-03509-y Green published, Gold other
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Article Development and validation of the INCREMENT-ESBL predictive score for mortality in patients with bloodstream infections due to extendedspectrum- beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae Raquel Palacios-Baena, Zaira; Gutierrez-Gutierrez, Belen; de Cueto, Marina; Viale, Pierluigi; Venditti, Mario; Hernandez-Torres, Alicia; Oliver, Antonio; Martinez-Martinez, Luis; Calbo, Esther; Pintado, Vicente; Gasch, Oriol; Almirante, Benito; Antonio Lep JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY 0305-7453 (2017) DOI / 10.1093/jac/dkw513 Green published, Bronze
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Review Rates, predictors and mortality of community-onset bloodstream infections due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa: systematic review and meta-analysis Rojas, A.; Palacios-Baena, Z. R.; Lopez-Cortes, L. E.; Rodriguez-Bano, J. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 1198-743X (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.cmi.2019.04.005 Bronze
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Article How are trainees in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases supervised in Europe? An international cross-sectional questionnaire survey by the Trainee Association of ESCMID Palacios-Baena, Zaira R.; Zapf, Thea Christine; Ong, David S. Y.; Maraolo, Alberto E.; Ronnberg, Caroline; Cimen, Cansu; Pulcini, Celine; Rodriguez-Bano, Jesus; Sanguinetti, Maurizio EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES 0934-9723 (2018) DOI / 10.1007/s10096-018-3386-4 Gold other, Green published
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Article Governance aspects of large-scale implementation of automated surveillance of healthcare-associated infections van Rooden, Stephanie M.; Aspevall, Olov; Carrara, Elena; Gubbels, Sophie; Johansson, Anders; Lucet, Jean-Christophe; Mookerjee, Siddharth; Palacios-Baena, Zaira R.; Presterl, Elisabeth; Tacconelli, Evelina; Abbas, Mohamed; Behnke, Michael; Gastmeier, Petr CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 1198-743X (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.cmi.2021.02.026 Green published, Hybrid
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Letter Assessing the Ecological Benefit of Antibiotic De-escalation Strategies to Elaborate Evidence-Based Recommendations Reply Rodriguez-Bano, Jesus; Palacios-Baena, Zaira R.; Pascual, Alvaro CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1058-4838 (2020) DOI / 10.1093/cid/ciz1054