Trabajos de Manuel Catalan

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  Listando 11 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Geosciences
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Article Geothermal Heat Flux Reveals the Iceland Hotspot Track Underneath Greenland Martos, Yasmina M.; Jordan, Tom A.; Catalan, Manuel; Jordan, Thomas M.; Bamber, Jonathan L.; Vaughan, David G. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 0094-8276 (2018) DOI / 10.1029/2018gl078289 Green published, Green accepted
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Article Heat Flux Distribution of Antarctica Unveiled Martos, Yasmina M.; Catalan, Manuel; Jordan, Tom A.; Golynsky, Alexander; Golynsky, Dmitry; Eagles, Graeme; Vaughan, David G. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 0094-8276 (2017) DOI / 10.1002/2017gl075609 Green accepted, Green published
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Article Imaging the Growth of Recent Faults: The Case of 2016-2017 Seismic Sequence Sea Bottom Deformation in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) Galindo-Zaldivar, J.; Ercilla, G.; Estrada, F.; Catalan, M.; d'Acremont, E.; Azzouz, O.; Casas, D.; Chourak, M.; Vazquez, J. T.; Chalouan, A.; Sanz De Galdeano, C.; Benmakhlouf, M.; Gorini, C.; Alonso, B.; Palomino, D.; Rengel, J. A.; Gil, A. J. TECTONICS 0278-7407 (2018) DOI / 10.1029/2017tc004941 Green published
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Article Echo-character distribution in the Cantabrian Margin and the Biscay Abyssal Plain Maestro, Adolfo; Gallastegui, Alba; Moreta, Mercedes; Llave, Estefania; Bohoyo, Fernando; Druet, Maria; Navas, Javier; Mink, Sandra; Fernandez-Saez, Fernando; Catalan, Manuel; Gomez-Ballesteros, Maria; Munoz-Martin, Alfonso; Granja-Bruna, Jose Luis JOURNAL OF MAPS 1744-5647 (2021) DOI / 10.1080/17445647.2021.1973917 Green accepted, Gold
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Article Photon Pressure Force on Space Debris TOPEX/Poseidon Measured by Satellite Laser Ranging Kucharski, D.; Kirchner, G.; Bennett, J. C.; Lachut, M.; Sosnica, K.; Koshkin, N.; Shakun, L.; Koidl, F.; Steindorfer, M.; Wang, P.; Fan, C.; Han, X.; Grunwaldt, L.; Wilkinson, M.; Rodriguez, J.; Bianco, G.; Vespe, F.; Catalan, M.; Salmins, K.; del Pino, J EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE (2017) DOI / 10.1002/2017ea000329 Green published, Gold other
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Article Submarine morpho-structure and active processes along the North American-Caribbean plate boundary (Dominican Republic sector) Rodriguez-Zurrunero, A.; Granja-Bruna, J. L.; Carbo-Gorosabel, A.; Munoz-Martin, A.; Gorosabel-Araus, J. M.; de la Pena, L. Gomez; Gomez Ballesteros, M.; Pazos, A.; Catalan, M.; Espinos, S.; Druet, M.; Llanes, P.; ten Brink, U. MARINE GEOLOGY 0025-3227 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.margeo.2018.10.010 Green accepted
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Article Statistical analysis of the oceanic magnetic anomaly data De Santis, Angelo; Pavon-Carrasco, F. Javier; Ferraccioli, Fausto; Catalan, Manuel; Ishihara, Takemi PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS 0031-9201 (2018) DOI / 10.1016/j.pepi.2018.09.003
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Article Magnetic anomalies of the NW Iberian continental margin and the adjacent abyssal plains Druet, Maria; Catalan, Manuel; Martin-Davila, Jose; Martos, Yasmina M.; Munoz-Martin, Alfonso; Granja-Bruna, Jose Luis; Maestro, Adolfo JOURNAL OF MAPS 1744-5647 (2020) DOI / 10.1080/17445647.2020.1806123 Gold DOAJ
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Article Bootstrapping Swarm and observatory data to generate candidates for the DGRF and IGRF-13 Javier Pavon-Carrasco, F.; Marsal, Santiago; Miguel Torta, J.; Catalan, Manuel; Martin-Hernandez, Fatima; Manuel Tordesillas, J. EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE 1343-8832 (2020) DOI / 10.1186/s40623-020-01198-y Gold DOAJ
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Article Echo-character of the NW Iberian continental margin and the adjacent abyssal plains Maestro, Adolfo; Jane, Gloria; Fernandez-Saez, Fernando; Llave, Estefania; Bohoyo, Fernando; Navas, Javier; Mink, Sandra; Gomez-Ballesteros, Maria; Martin-Davila, Jose; Catalan, Manuel JOURNAL OF MAPS 1744-5647 (2018) DOI / 10.1080/17445647.2018.1424653 Gold DOAJ
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Article Unveiling Powell Basin's Tectonic Domains and Understanding Its Abnormal Magnetic Anomaly Signature. Is Heat the Key? Catalan, M.; Martos, Y. M.; Galindo-Zaldivar, J.; Perez, L. F.; Bohoyo, F. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE (2020) DOI / 10.3389/feart.2020.580675 Gold other, Green published, Green accepted