Trabajos de Carmen Lupion Mendoza

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  Listando 3 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Microbiology
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Article Outcomes of the PIRASOA programme, an antimicrobial stewardship programme implemented in hospitals of the Public Health System of Andalusia, Spain: an ecologic study of time-trend analysis Rodriguez-Bano, J.; Perez-Moreno, M. A.; Penalva, G.; Garnacho-Montero, J.; Pinto, C.; Salcedo, I; Fernandez-Urrusuno, R.; Neth, O.; Gil-Navarro, M., V; Perez-Milena, A.; Sierra, R.; Estella, A.; Lupion, C.; Irastorza, A.; Marquez, J. L.; Pascual, A.; Rojo CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 1198-743X (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.cmi.2019.07.009
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Article Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of fosfomycin in non-critically ill patients with bacteremic urinary infection caused by multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli Docobo-Perez, F.; Sojo, J.; Morales, I; Lupion, C.; Martin, D.; Camean, M.; Hope, W.; Pascual, A.; Rodriguez-Bano, J. CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION 1198-743X (2018) DOI / 10.1016/j.cmi.2018.02.005 Bronze
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Article Assessment of a semi-automated enrichment system (Uroquattro HB&L) for detection of faecal carriers of ESBL-/AmpC-producing Enterobacterales Perez-Palacios, Patricia; Lopez-Cerero, Lorena; Lupion, Carmen; Pascual, Alvaro ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA 0213-005X (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.eimc.2019.11.001