Trabajos de Marcial Escudero

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Plant & Animal Science

  Listando 24 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Plant & Animal Science
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Article A tale of worldwide success: Behind the scenes of Carex (Cyperaceae) biogeography and diversification Martin-Bravo, Santiago; Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro; Villaverde, Tamara; Escudero, Marcial; Hahn, Marlene; Spalink, Daniel; Roalson, Eric H.; Hipp, Andrew L.; Benitez-Benitez, Carmen; Bruederle, Leo P.; Fitzek, Elisabeth; Ford, Bruce A.; Ford, Kerry A.; Garner, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 1674-4918 (2019) DOI / 10.1111/jse.12549 Green published, Bronze, Green submitted
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Editorial Material The grand sweep of chromosomal evolution in angiosperms Escudero, Marcial; Wendel, Jonathan F. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 0028-646X (2020) DOI / 10.1111/nph.16802 Bronze
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Article A new classification of Cyperaceae (Poales) supported by phylogenomic data Larridon, Isabel; Zuntini, Alexandre R.; Leveille-Bourret, Etienne; Barrett, Russell L.; Starr, Julian R.; Muasya, A. Muthama; Villaverde, Tamara; Bauters, Kenneth; Brewer, Grace E.; Bruhl, Jeremy J.; Costa, Suzana M.; Elliott, Tammy L.; Epitawalage, Niros JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 1674-4918 (2021) DOI / 10.1111/jse.12757 Hybrid, Green accepted
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Review Bipolar distributions in vascular plants: A review Villaverde, Tamara; Escudero, Marcial; Martin-Bravo, Santiago; Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro; Sanmartin, Isabel; Vargas, Pablo; Luceno, Modesto AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 0002-9122 (2017) DOI / 10.3732/ajb.1700159 Green published, Bronze
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Article A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles Roalson, Eric H.; Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro; Hipp, Andrew L.; Benitez-Benitez, Carmen; Bruederle, Leo P.; Chung, Kyong-Sook; Escudero, Marcial; Ford, Bruce A.; Ford, Kerry; Gebauer, Sebastian; Gehrke, Berit; Hahn, Marlene; Hayat, Muhammad Qasim; Hoffmann, Math JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 1674-4918 (2021) DOI / 10.1111/jse.12722 Bronze
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Article The spatial structure of phylogenetic and functional diversity in the United States and Canada: An example using the sedge family (Cyperaceae) Spalink, Daniel; Pender, Jocelyn; Escudero, Marcial; Hipp, Andrew L.; Roalson, Eric H.; Starr, Julian R.; Waterway, Marcia J.; Bohs, Lynn; Sytsma, Kenneth J. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 1674-4918 (2018) DOI / 10.1111/jse.12423 Bronze
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Article Allopatric speciation despite historical gene flow: Divergence and hybridization in Carex furva and C.lucennoiberica (Cyperaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear RAD-seq data Maguilla, Enrique; Escudero, Marcial; Hipp, Andrew L.; Luceno, Modesto MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 0962-1083 (2017) DOI / 10.1111/mec.14253 Bronze
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Article Karyotype evolution in Helianthemum (Cistaceae): dysploidy, achiasmate meiosis and ecological specialization in H. squamatum, a true gypsophile Aparicio, Abelardo; Escudero, Marcial; Valdes-Florido, Ana; Pachon, Miguel; Rubio, Encarnacion; Albaladejo, Rafael G.; Martin-Hernanz, Sara; Pradillo, Monica BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 0024-4074 (2019) DOI / 10.1093/botlinnean/boz066
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Article A comprehensive, genus-level time-calibrated phylogeny of the tree flora of Mediterranean Europe and an assessment of its vulnerability Albassatneh, Marwan Cheikh; Escudero, Marcia; Ponger, Loic; Monnet, Anne-Christine; Arroyo, Juan; Nikolic, Toni; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Bagnoli, Francesca; Dimopoulos, Panayotis; Leriche, Agathe; Medail, Frederic; Roig, Anne; Spanu, Ilaria; Vendramin, Giova BOTANY LETTERS 2381-8107 (2019) DOI / 10.1080/23818107.2019.1684360 Green published
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Article An integrative monograph of Carex section Schoenoxiphium (Cyperaceae) Luceno, Modesto; Villaverde, Tamara; Ignacio Marquez-Corro, Jose; Sanchez-Villegas, Rogelio; Maguilla, Enrique; Escudero, Marcial; Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro; Sanchez-Villegas, Manuel; Miguez, Monica; Benitez-Benitez, Carmen; Muasya, A. Muthama; Martin-Bravo, S PEERJ 2167-8359 (2021) DOI / 10.7717/peerj.11336 Green published, Gold
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Article RAD-seq linkage mapping and patterns of segregation distortion in sedges: meiosis as a driver of karyotypic evolution in organisms with holocentric chromosomes Escudero, Marcial; Hahn, Marlene; Hipp, Andrew L. JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 1010-061X (2018) DOI / 10.1111/jeb.13267 Bronze
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Article Inferring hypothesis-based transitions in Glade-specific models of chromosome number evolution in sedges (Cyperaceae) Ignacio Marquez-Corro, Jose; Martin-Bravo, Santiago; Spalink, Daniel; Luceno, Modesto; Escudero, Marcial MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 1055-7903 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.ympev.2019.03.006
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Article Niche shifts after long-distance dispersal events in bipolar sedges (Carex, Cyperaceae) Villaverde, Tamara; Gonzalez-Moreno, Pablo; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Francisco; Escudero, Marcial AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 0002-9122 (2017) DOI / 10.3732/ajb.1700171 Bronze, Green published
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Article Rapid plant speciation associated with the last glacial period: reproductive isolation and genetic drift in sedges Escudero, Marcial; Lovit, Marilee; Brown, Bethany H.; Hipp, Andrew L. BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 0024-4074 (2019) DOI / 10.1093/botlinnean/boz016
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Article Pliocene-Pleistocene ecological niche evolution shapes the phylogeography of a Mediterranean plant group Benitez-Benitez, C.; Escudero, M.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, F.; Martin-Bravo, S.; Jimenez-Mejias, P. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 0962-1083 (2018) DOI / 10.1111/mec.14567
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Article Style polymorphism in Linum (Linaceae): a case of Mediterranean parallel evolution? Ruiz-Martin, J.; Santos-Gally, R.; Escudero, M.; Midgley, J. J.; Perez-Barrales, R.; Arroyo, J. PLANT BIOLOGY 1435-8603 (2018) DOI / 10.1111/plb.12670 Green submitted
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Article Are diversification rates and chromosome evolution in the temperate grasses (Pooideae) associated with major environmental changes in the Oligocene-Miocene? Pimentel, Manuel; Escudero, Marcial; Sahuquillo, Elvira; Minaya, Miguel Angel; Catalan, Pilar PEERJ 2167-8359 (2017) DOI / 10.7717/peerj.3815 Green published, Gold other
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Article Macroevolutionary insights into sedges (Carex: Cyperaceae): The effects of rapid chromosome number evolution on lineage diversification Marquez-Corro, Jose I.; Martin-Bravo, Santiago; Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro; Hipp, Andrew L.; Spalink, Daniel; Naczi, Robert F. C.; Roalson, Eric H.; Luceno, Modesto; Escudero, Marcial JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 1674-4918 (2021) DOI / 10.1111/jse.12730 Bronze
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Editorial Material Editorial: Phylogenomic Approaches to Deal With Particularly Challenging Plant Lineages Escudero, Marcial; Nieto Feliner, Gonzalo; Pokorny, Lisa; Spalink, Daniel; Viruel, Juan FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 1664-462X (2020) DOI / 10.3389/fpls.2020.591762 Gold, Green published
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Article Is the diversification of Mediterranean Basin plant lineages coupled to karyotypic changes? Escudero, M.; Balao, F.; Martin-Bravo, S.; Valente, L.; Valcarcel, V. PLANT BIOLOGY 1435-8603 (2018) DOI / 10.1111/plb.12563
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Article Long-distance dispersal explains the bipolar disjunction in Carex macloviana Marquez-Corro, Jose I.; Escudero, Marcial; Martin-Bravo, Santiago; Villaverde, Tamara; Luceno, Modesto AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 0002-9122 (2017) DOI / 10.3732/ajb.1700012 Green published, Bronze
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Article Polyploidy Expands the Range of Centaurium (Gentianaceae) Maguilla, Enrique; Escudero, Marcial; Jimenez-Lobato, Vania; Diaz-Lifante, Zoila; Andres-Camacho, Cristina; Arroyo, Juan FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE 1664-462X (2021) DOI / 10.3389/fpls.2021.650551 Gold, Green published
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Article Using floristics, modern systematics and phylogenetics for disentangling biodiversity hotspots across scales: a Mediterranean case study Simon-Porcar, V. I.; Escudero, M.; Navarro, L.; De Castro, A.; Lorite, J.; Molina-Venegas, R.; Arroyo, J. PLANT BIOSYSTEMS 1126-3504 (2018) DOI / 10.1080/11263504.2018.1445131
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Article Chorological and nomenclatural notes on Peruvian Carex (Cyperaceae) Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro; Jose Alegria-Olivera, J.; Beltran, Hamilton W.; Cano, Asuncion; Granda-Paucar, Arturo; Maldonado Fonken, Monica S.; Riva-Regalado, Sebastian; Ruthsatz, Barbara; Escudero, Martial CALDASIA 0366-5232 (2020) DOI / 10.15446/caldasia.v42n1.76771 Gold DOAJ