Trabajos de Tomás Cerdo

Trabajos de Nombre

Agricultural Sciences

  Listando 6 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Agricultural Sciences
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Review The Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity Cerdo, Tomas; Antonio Garcia-Santos, Jose; Bermudez, Mercedes G.; Campoy, Cristina NUTRIENTS (2019) DOI / 10.3390/nu11030635 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Review Probiotic, Prebiotic, and Brain Development Cerdo, Tomas; Ruiz, Alicia; Suarez, Antonio; Campoy, Cristina NUTRIENTS (2017) DOI / 10.3390/nu9111247 Green published, Gold
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Article Infant Gut Microbiota Associated with Fine Motor Skills Acuna, Inmaculada; Cerdo, Tomas; Ruiz, Alicia; Torres-Espinola, Francisco J.; Lopez-Moreno, Ana; Aguilera, Margarita; Suarez, Antonio; Campoy, Cristina NUTRIENTS (2021) DOI / 10.3390/nu13051673 Gold, Green published
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Article The Effects of an Infant Formula Enriched with Milk Fat Globule Membrane, Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Synbiotics on Child Behavior up to 2.5 Years Old: The COGNIS Study Nieto-Ruiz, Ana; Dieguez, Estefania; Sepulveda-Valbuena, Natalia; Herrmann, Florian; Cerdo, Tomas; Lopez-Torrecillas, Francisca; De-Castellar, Roser; Jimenez, Jesus; Perez-Garcia, Miguel; Miranda, Maria T.; Catena, Andres; Garcia-Santos, Jose A.; Bermudez, NUTRIENTS (2020) DOI / 10.3390/nu12123825 Green published, Gold other
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Article Complementary Feeding in Developed Countries: The 3 Ws (When, What, and Why?) Campoy, Cristina; Campos, Daniel; Cerdo, Tomas; Dieguez, Estefania; Antonio Garcia-Santos, Jose ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM 0250-6807 (2018) DOI / 10.1159/000490086 Bronze
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Review Infant growth, neurodevelopment and gut microbiota during infancy: which nutrients are crucial? Cerdo, Tomas; Dieguez, Estefania; Campoy, Cristina CURRENT OPINION IN CLINICAL NUTRITION AND METABOLIC CARE 1363-1950 (2019) DOI / 10.1097/mco.0000000000000606