Trabajos de Jennifer A. Leonard

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Biology & Biochemistry

  Listando 8 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Biology & Biochemistry
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Article Evolutionary History of Saber-Toothed Cats Based on Ancient Mitogenomics Paijmans, Johanna L. A.; Barnett, Ross; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.; Zepeda-Mendoza, M. Lisandra; Reumer, Jelle W. F.; De Vos, John; Zazula, Grant; Nagel, Doris; Baryshnikov, Gennady F.; Leonard, Jennifer A.; Rohland, Nadin; Westbury, Michael V.; Barlow, Axel; H CURRENT BIOLOGY 0960-9822 (2017) DOI / 10.1016/j.cub.2017.09.033 Green accepted, Bronze
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Review Wolf population genetics in Europe: a systematic review, meta-analysis and suggestions for conservation and management Hindrikson, Maris; Remm, Jaanus; Pilot, Malgorzata; Godinho, Raquel; Stronen, Astrid Vik; Baltrunaite, Laima; Czarnomska, Sylwia D.; Leonard, Jennifer A.; Randi, Ettore; Nowak, Carsten; Akesson, Mikael; Vicente Lopez-Bao, Jose; Alvares, Francisco; Llaneza, BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS 1464-7931 (2017) DOI / 10.1111/brv.12298 Green submitted, Green accepted
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Article On the path to extinction: Inbreeding and admixture in a declining grey wolf population Gomez-Sanchez, Daniel; Olalde, Inigo; Sastre, Natalia; Ensenat, Conrad; Carrasco, Rafael; Marques-Bonet, Tomas; Lalueza-Fox, Carles; Leonard, Jennifer A.; Vila, Carles; Ramirez, Oscar MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 0962-1083 (2018) DOI / 10.1111/mec.14824
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Article Little genetic structure in a Bornean endemic small mammal across a steep ecological gradient Parker, Lillian D.; Hawkins, Melissa T. R.; Camacho-Sanchez, Miguel; Campana, Michael G.; West-Roberts, Jacob A.; Wilbert, Tammy R.; Lim, Haw Chuan; Rockwood, Larry L.; Leonard, Jennifer A.; Maldonado, Jesus E. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 0962-1083 (2020) DOI / 10.1111/mec.15626 Bronze
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Article A sliver of the past: The decimation of the genetic diversity of the Mexican wolf Taron, Ulrike H.; Salado, Isabel; Escobar-Rodriguez, Mariana; Westbury, Michael, V; Butschkau, Susanne; Paijmans, Johanna L. A.; vonHoldt, Bridgett M.; Hofreiter, Michael; Leonard, Jennifer A. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 0962-1083 (2021) DOI / 10.1111/mec.16037 Green published, Hybrid
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Article Pleistocene climate fluctuations drove demographic history of African golden wolves (Canis lupaster) Sarabia, Carlos; vonHoldt, Bridgett; Larrasoana, Juan C.; Urios, Vicente; Leonard, Jennifer A. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 0962-1083 (2021) DOI / 10.1111/mec.15784
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Article A practical guide to build de-novo assemblies for single tissues of non-model organisms: the example of a Neotropical frog Montero-Mendieta, Santiago; Grabherr, Manfred; Lantz, Henrik; De la Riva, Ignacio; Leonard, Jennifer A.; Webster, Matthew T.; Vila, Carles PEERJ 2167-8359 (2017) DOI / 10.7717/peerj.3702 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Phylogenomics and evolutionary history of Oreobates (Anura: Craugastoridae) Neotropical frogs along elevational gradients Montero-Mendieta, Santiago; De la Riva, Ignacio; Irisarri, Iker; Leonard, Jennifer A.; Webster, Matthew T.; Vila, Carles MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 1055-7903 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107167