Jordi Bascompte

Seville / Spain
528 InfluRatio
9 Indexed Publications in Altmetrics

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Article Indirect effects drive coevolution in mutualistic networks Guimaraes, Paulo R. ., Jr.; Pires, Mathias M.; Jordano, Pedro; Bascompte, Jordi; Thompson, John N. NATURE 0028-0836 (2017) DOI / 10.1038/nature24273 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL /
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Article Effects of network modularity on the spread of perturbation impact in experimental metapopulations Gilarranz, Luis J.; Rayfield, Bronwyn; Linan-Cembrano, Gustavo; Bascompte, Jordi; Gonzalez, Andrew SCIENCE 0036-8075 (2017) DOI / 10.1126/science.aal4122 OPEN ACCESS LEVEL / Bronze
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