Trabajos de Teresa C. Rojas

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Materials Science

  Listando 14 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Materials Science
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Article Strong Quantum Confinement and Fast Photoemission Activation in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Nanocrystals Grown within Periodically Mesostructured Films Anaya, Miguel; Rubino, Andrea; Cristina Rojas, Teresa; Francisco Galisteo-Lopez, Juan; Ernesto Calvo, Mauricio; Miguez, Hernan ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 2195-1071 (2017) DOI / 10.1002/adom.201601087 Hybrid, Green published
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Article Highly Efficient and Environmentally Stable Flexible Color Converters Based on Confined CH3NH3PbBr3 Nanocrystals Rubino, Andrea; Anaya, Miguel; Galisteo-Lopez, Juan F.; Cristina Rojas, T.; Calvo, Mauricio E.; Miguez, Hernan ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES 1944-8244 (2018) DOI / 10.1021/acsami.8b11706 Green submitted
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Article Plasma assisted deposition of single and multistacked TiO2 hierarchical nanotube photoanodes Nicolas Filippin, A.; Sanchez-Valencia, Juan R.; Idigoras, Jesus; Cristina Rojas, T.; Barranco, Angel; Anta, Juan A.; Borras, Ana NANOSCALE 2040-3364 (2017) DOI / 10.1039/c7nr00923b Green submitted
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Article High-temperature solar-selective coatings based on Cr(Al)N. Part 2: Design, spectral properties and thermal stability of multilayer stacks Rojas, T. C.; Caro, A.; Escobar-Galindo, R.; Sanchez-Lopez, J. C. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 0927-0248 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.solmat.2020.110812
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Article Solid lubricant behavior of MoS2 and WSe2-based nanocomposite coatings Dominguez-Meister, Santiago; Cristina Rojas, Teresa; Brizuela, Marta; Carlos Sanchez-Lopez, Juan SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS 1468-6996 (2017) DOI / 10.1080/14686996.2016.1275784 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Self-Assembly of the Nonplanar Fe(III) Phthalocyanine Small-Molecule: Unraveling the Impact on the Magnetic Properties of Organic Nanowires Nicolas Filippin, A.; Lopez-Flores, Victor; Cristina Rojas, T.; Saghi, Zineb; Rico, Victor J.; Sanchez-Valencia, Juan R.; Espinos, Juan P.; Zitolo, Andrea; Viret, Michel; Midgley, Paul A.; Barranco, Angel; Borras, Ana CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS 0897-4756 (2018) DOI / 10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b04515
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Article Tribological properties of TiC/a-C:H nanocomposite coatings prepared via HiPIMS Sanchez-Lopez, J. C.; Dominguez-Meister, S.; Rojas, T. C.; Colasuonno, M.; Bazzan, M.; Patelli, A. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 0169-4332 (2018) DOI / 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.01.135
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Article HoF3 and DyF3 Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents for High-Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Gonzalez-Mancebo, Daniel; Becerro, Ana I.; Rojas, T. Cristina; Garcia-Martin, Maria L.; de la Fuente, Jesus M.; Ocana, Manuel PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION 0934-0866 (2017) DOI / 10.1002/ppsc.201700116
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Article Patterning and control of the nanostructure in plasma thin films with acoustic waves: mechanical vs. electrical polarization effects Garcia-Valenzuela, Aurelio; Fakhfouri, Armaghan; Oliva-Ramirez, Manuel; Rico-Gavira, Victor; Rojas, Teresa Cristina; Alvarez, Rafael; Menzel, Siegfried B.; Palmero, Alberto; Winkler, Andreas; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R. MATERIALS HORIZONS 2051-6347 (2021) DOI / 10.1039/d0mh01540g Gold other
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Article Microstructure, interfaces and properties of 3YTZP ceramic composites with 10 and 20 vol% different graphene-based nanostructures as fillers Munoz-Ferreiro, Carmen; Morales-Rodriguez, Ana; Cristina Rojas, Teresa; Jimenez-Pique, Emilio; Lopez-Pernia, Cristina; Poyato, Rosalia; Gallardo-Lopez, Angela JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 0925-8388 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.10.336 Green submitted, Green published
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Article Compositional gradients at the nanoscale in substoichiometric thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering at oblique angles: A case study on SiOx thin films Garcia-Valenzuela, Aurelio; Alcaide, Antonio M.; Rico, Victor; Ferrer, Francisco J.; Alcala, German; Rojas, Teresa C.; Alvarez, Rafael; Gonzalez-Elipe, Agustin R.; Palmero, Alberto PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS 1612-8850 (2021) DOI / 10.1002/ppap.202100116
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Article Tailoring CrNx stoichiometry and functionality by means of reactive HiPIMS Sanchez-Lopez, J. C.; Caro, A.; Alcala, G.; Rojas, T. C. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 0257-8972 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126235
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Article High-temperature solar-selective coatings based on Cr(Al)N. Part 1: Microstructure and optical properties of CrNy and Cr1-xAlxNy films prepared by DC/HiPIMS Rojas, T. C.; Caro, A.; Lozano, G.; Sanchez-Lopez, J. C. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS 0927-0248 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.solmat.2020.110951
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Article Effect of Al content on the hardness and thermal stability study of AlTiN and AlTiBN coatings deposited by HiPIMS Mendez, A.; Monclus, M. A.; Santiago, J. A.; Fernandez-Martinez, I.; Rojas, T. C.; Garcia-Molleja, J.; Avella, M.; Dams, N.; Panizo-Laiz, M.; Molina-Aldareguia, J. M. SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 0257-8972 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.127513 Green submitted, Green published