Trabajos de Belen Gago

Trabajos de Nombre

Pharmacology & Toxicology

  Listando 3 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Pharmacology & Toxicology
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Article Role of the galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) in anhedonia: Involvement of the dopaminergic mesolimbic system Millon, Carmelo; Flores-Burgess, Antonio; Gago, Belen; Alen, Francisco; Orio, Laura; Garcia-Duran, Laura; Narvaez, Jose A.; Fuxe, Kjell; Santin, Luis; Diaz-Cabiale, Zaida JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0269-8811 (2019) DOI / 10.1177/0269881119844188 Green submitted
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Article Galanin (1-15) enhancement of the behavioral effects of Fluoxetine in the forced swimming test gives a new therapeutic strategy against depression Flores-Burgess, Antonio; Millon, Carmelo; Gago, Belen; Narvaez, Manuel; Borroto-Escuela, Dasiel O.; Mengod, Guadalupe; Angel Narvaez, Jose; Fuxe, Kjell; Santin, Luis; Diaz-Cabiale, Zaida NEUROPHARMACOLOGY 0028-3908 (2017) DOI / 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2017.03.010 Green submitted
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Article Motor impulsivity and delay intolerance are elicited in a dose-dependent manner with a dopaminergic agonist in parkinsonian rats Jimenez-Urbieta, Haritz; Gago, Belen; Quiroga-Varela, Ana; Rodriguez-Chinchilla, Tatiana; Merino-Galan, Leyre; Delgado-Alvarado, Manuel; Navalpotro-Gomez, Irene; Belloso-Iguerategui, Arantzazu; Marin, Concepcio; Rodriguez-Oroz, Maria C. PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 0033-3158 (2020) DOI / 10.1007/s00213-020-05544-6