Trabajos de Jose Antonio Lopez-Escames

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Neuroscience & Behavior

  Listando 20 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Neuroscience & Behavior
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Article Innovations in Doctoral Training and Research on Tinnitus: The European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research (ESIT) Perspective Schlee, Winfried; Hall, Deborah A.; Canlon, Barbara; Cima, Rilana F. F.; de Kleine, Emile; Hauck, Franz; Huber, Alex; Gallus, Silvano; Kleinjung, Tobias; Kypraios, Theodore; Langguth, Berthold; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Lugo, Alessandra; Meyer, Martin; Mielc FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE 1663-4365 (2018) DOI / 10.3389/fnagi.2017.00447 Green published, Gold other, Green accepted
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Article Rare coding variants involving MYO7A and other genes encoding stereocilia link proteins in familial meniere disease Roman-Naranjo, P.; Moleon, M. D. C.; Aran, I.; Escalera-Balsera, A.; Soto-Varela, A.; Bachinger, D.; Gomez-Finana, M.; Eckhard, A. H.; Lopez-Escamez, J. A. HEARING RESEARCH 0378-5955 (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.heares.2021.108329 Green accepted, Hybrid
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Review Peripheral vestibular disorders: an update Strupp, Michael; Mandala, Marco; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A. CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROLOGY 1350-7540 (2019) DOI / 10.1097/wco.0000000000000649
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Article Standardised profiling for tinnitus research: The European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research Screening Questionnaire (ESIT-SQ) Genitsaridi, Eleni; Partyka, Marta; Gallus, Silvano; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Schecklmann, Martin; Mielczarek, Marzena; Trpchevska, Natalia; Santacruz, Jose L.; Schoisswohl, Stefan; Riha, Constanze; Lourenco, Matheus; Biswas, Roshni; Liyanage, Nuwan; Cederr HEARING RESEARCH 0378-5955 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.heares.2019.02.017 Gold other, Green published
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Article Sex-Dependent Aggregation of Tinnitus in Swedish Families Trpchevska, Natalia; Bulla, Jan; Hellberg, Matilda Prada; Edvall, Niklas K.; Lazar, Andra; Mehraei, Golbarg; Uhlen, Inger; Schlee, Winfried; Canlon, Barbara; Gallus, Silvano; Antonio Lopez-Escamez, Jose; Cederroth, Christopher R. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE (2020) DOI / 10.3390/jcm9123812 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Genetic architecture of Meniere's disease Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A. HEARING RESEARCH 0378-5955 (2020) DOI / 10.1016/j.heares.2019.107872
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Article Recurrent Vestibular Symptoms Not Otherwise Specified: Clinical Characteristics Compared With Vestibular Migraine and Meniere's Disease Dlugaiczyk, Julia; Lempert, Thomas; Lopez-Escamez, Jose Antonio; Teggi, Roberto; von Brevern, Michael; Bisdorff, Alexandre FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 1664-2295 (2021) DOI / 10.3389/fneur.2021.674092 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Review Genetic contribution to vestibular diseases Galego-Martinez, Alvaro; Manuel Espinosa-Sanchez, Juan; Antonio Lopez-Escamez, Jose JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 0340-5354 (2018) DOI / 10.1007/s00415-018-8842-7
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Article Identification of Potential Meniere's Disease Targets in the Adult Stria Vascularis Gu, Shoujun; Olszewski, Rafal; Nelson, Lacey; Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro; Antonio Lopez-Escamez, Jose; Hoa, Michael FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 1664-2295 (2021) DOI / 10.3389/fneur.2021.630561 Green published, Gold
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Article Bioinformatic Integration of Molecular Networks and Major Pathways Involved in Mice Cochlear and Vestibular Supporting Cells Requena, Teresa; Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A. FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE 1662-5099 (2018) DOI / 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00108 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Review Systematic review of magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis of Meniere disease Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Attye, Arnaud JOURNAL OF VESTIBULAR RESEARCH-EQUILIBRIUM & ORIENTATION 0957-4271 (2019) DOI / 10.3233/ves-180646
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Review Genetics of vestibular syndromes Roman-Naranjo, Pablo; Gallego-Martinez, Alvaro; Lopez Escamez, Jose A. CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROLOGY 1350-7540 (2018) DOI / 10.1097/wco.0000000000000519
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Editorial Material Editorial: Epidemiology and Genetics of Vestibular Disorders Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Cheng, Alan G.; Grill, Eva; Liu, Tien-Chen FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 1664-2295 (2021) DOI / 10.3389/fneur.2021.743379 Green published, Gold
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Article Clinical Features, Familial History, and Migraine Precursors in Patients With Definite Vestibular Migraine: The VM-Phenotypes Projects Teggi, Roberto; Colombo, Bruno; Albera, Roberto; Libonati, Giacinto Asprella; Balzanelli, Cristiano; Batuecas Caletrio, Angel; Casani, Augusto; Manuel Espinoza-Sanchez, Juan; Gamba, Paolo; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Lucisano, Sergio; Mandala, Marco; Neri, Gia HEADACHE 0017-8748 (2018) DOI / 10.1111/head.13240
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Article Do we need to reconsider the classification of vestibular migraine? Perez-Carpena, Patricia; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A. EXPERT REVIEW OF NEUROTHERAPEUTICS 1473-7175 (2021) DOI / 10.1080/14737175.2021.1908129
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Review Current Understanding and Clinical Management of Meniere's Disease: A Systematic Review Perez-Carpena, Patricia; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A. SEMINARS IN NEUROLOGY 0271-8235 (2020) DOI / 10.1055/s-0039-3402065
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Article Clinical Features of Headache in Patients With Diagnosis of Definite Vestibular Migraine: The VM-Phenotypes Projects Teggi, Roberto; Colombo, Bruno; Albera, Roberto; Libonati, Giacinto Asprella; Balzanelli, Cristiano; Batuecas Caletrio, Angel; Casani, Augusto P.; Manuel Espinosa-Sanchez, Juan; Gamba, Paolo; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Lucisano, Sergio; Mandala, Marco; Neri, FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY 1664-2295 (2018) DOI / 10.3389/fneur.2018.00395 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Motion sickness diagnostic criteria: Consensus Document of the Classification Committee of the Barany Society Cha, Yoon-Hee; Golding, John F.; Keshavarz, Behrang; Furman, Joseph; Kim, Ji-Soo; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Magnusson, Mans; Yates, Bill J.; Lawson, Ben D.; Staab, Jeffrey P.; Bisdorff, Alexandre JOURNAL OF VESTIBULAR RESEARCH-EQUILIBRIUM & ORIENTATION 0957-4271 (2021) DOI / 10.3233/ves-200005 Green accepted
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Review Systematic review of sound stimulation to elicit tinnitus residual inhibition Perez-Carpena, Patricia; Bibas, Athanasios; Lopez-Escamez, Jose A.; Vardonikolaki, Katerina; Kikidis, Dimitris TINNITUS - AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TOWARDS INDIVIDUALIZED TREATMENT: TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING THE COMPLEXITY OF TINNITUS (2021) DOI / 10.1016/bs.pbr.2021.01.020
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Review Towards a unification of treatments and interventions for tinnitus patients: The EU research and innovation action UNITI Schlee, Winfried; Schoisswohl, Stefan; Staudinger, Susanne; Schiller, Axel; Lehner, Astrid; Langguth, Berthold; Schecklmann, Martin; Simoes, Jorge; Neff, Patrick; Marcrum, Steven C.; Spiliopoulou, Myra; Niemann, Uli; Schleicher, Miro; Unnikrishnan, Vishnu; TINNITUS - AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TOWARDS INDIVIDUALIZED TREATMENT: FROM HETEROGENEITY TO PERSONALIZED MEDICINE (2021) DOI / 10.1016/bs.pbr.2020.12.005