Trabajos de Juan Carlos Vera-Rodríguez

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Arts & Humanities

  Listando 7 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Arts & Humanities
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Article The exceptional finding of Locus 2 at Dehesilla Cave and the Middle Neolithic ritual funerary practices of the Iberian Peninsula Garcia-Rivero, Daniel; Taylor, Ruth; Umbelino, Claudia; Price, T. Douglas; Garcia-Vinas, Esteban; Bernaldez-Sanchez, Eloisa; Perez-Jorda, Guillem; Pena-Chocarro, Leonor; Barrera-Cruz, Maria; Gibaja-Bao, Juan F.; Diaz-Rodriguez, Manuel J.; Monteiro, Patrici PLOS ONE 1932-6203 (2020) DOI / 10.1371/journal.pone.0236961 Green published, Gold
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Article Multidisciplinary investigation reveals the earliest textiles and cinnabar-coloured cloth in Iberian Peninsula Gleba, Margarita; Dolores Bretones-Garcia, M.; Cimarelli, Corrado; Carlos Vera-Rodriguez, Juan; Martinez-Sanchez, Rafael M. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2045-2322 (2021) DOI / 10.1038/s41598-021-01349-5 Gold, Green published
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Article Reflections on the Other Side. A Southern Iberia Origin for the First Pottery Production of Northern Morocco? Martinez Sanchez, Rafael M.; Vera Rodriguez, Juan Carlos; Gamiz Caro, Jesus; Pardo-Gordo, Salvador; Perez-Jorda, Guillem; Pena-Chocarro, Leonor OPEN ARCHAEOLOGY 2300-6560 (2021) DOI / 10.1515/opar-2020-0174 Gold
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Article Beyond Adornment: Cowry Use as Potter's Tool in the First Impressed Wares of the Southwestern Mediterranean Coast (Northern Morocco) Martinez Sanchez, Rafael M.; Vera Rodriguez, Juan Carlos; Moreno Garcia, Marta; Perez Jorda, Guillem; Pena-Chocarro, Leonor; Bokbot, Youssef JOURNAL OF ISLAND & COASTAL ARCHAEOLOGY 1556-4894 (2018) DOI / 10.1080/15564894.2017.1284963
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Article Phytolith analyses from Khil and Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Western Maghreb): Plant use trajectories in a long-term perspective Lancelotti, Carla; Martinez Sanchez, Rafael M.; Vera Rodriguez, Juan Carlos; Perez-Jorda, Guillem; Pena-Chocarro, Leonor; Biagetti, Stefano; Madella, Marco JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE-REPORTS 2352-409X (2021) DOI / 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102921
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Article The Middle Neolithic of Morocco's North-Western Atlantic Strip: New Evidence from the El-Khil Caves (Tangier) Martinez Sanchez, Rafael M.; Vera Rodriguez, Juan Carlos; Pena-Chocarro, Leonor; Bokbot, Youssef; Perez Jorda, Guillem; Pardo-Gordo, Salvador AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW 0263-0338 (2018) DOI / 10.1007/s10437-018-9310-6
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Article Pottery decoration in the Neolithic of Kaf Taht el-Ghar (Tetouan, Morocco). AGRIWESTMED Works 2012 Martinez Sanchez, Rafael M.; Vera Rodriguez, Juan Carlos; Perez Jorda, Guillem; Pena-Chocarro, Leonor ZEPHYRUS-REVISTA DE PREHISTORIA Y ARQUEOLOGIA 0514-7336 (2021) DOI / 10.14201/zephyrus2021873361 Gold