Trabajos de Alejandro Rubio-Roldan

Trabajos de Nombre

Biology & Biochemistry

  Listando 3 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Biology & Biochemistry
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Article The tumor suppressor microRNA let-7 inhibits human LINE-1 retrotransposition Tristan-Ramos, Pablo; Rubio-Roldan, Alejandro; Peris, Guillermo; Sanchez, Laura; Amador-Cubero, Suyapa; Viollet, Sebastien; Cristofari, Gael; Heras, Sara R. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS (2020) DOI / 10.1038/s41467-020-19430-4 Green published, Green submitted, Gold
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Article LINE-1 transcription in round spermatids is associated with accretion of 5-carboxylcytosine in their open reading frames Blythe, Martin J.; Kocer, Ayhan; Rubio-Roldan, Alejandro; Giles, Tom; Abakir, Abdulkadir; Ialy-Radio, Come; Wheldon, Lee M.; Bereshchenko, Oxana; Bruscoli, Stefano; Kondrashov, Alexander; Drevet, Joel R.; Emes, Richard D.; Johnson, Andrew D.; McCarrey, Joh COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY (2021) DOI / 10.1038/s42003-021-02217-8 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Engineered LINE-1 retrotransposition in nondividing human neurons Macia, Angela; Widmann, Thomas J.; Heras, Sara R.; Ayllon, Veronica; Sanchez, Laura; Benkaddour-Boumzaouad, Meriem; Munoz-Lopez, Martin; Rubio, Alejandro; Amador-Cubero, Suyapa; Blanco-Jimenez, Eva; Garcia-Castro, Javier; Menendez, Pablo; Ng, Philip; Muotr GENOME RESEARCH 1088-9051 (2017) DOI / 10.1101/gr.206805.116 Green published, Gold other