Trabajos de Raquel Del Toro

Trabajos de Nombre

Molecular Biology & Genetics

  Listando 4 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Molecular Biology & Genetics
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Article SARAF and Orai1 Contribute to Endothelial Cell Activation and Angiogenesis Galeano-Otero, Isabel; Del Toro, Raquel; Khatib, Abdel-Majid; Rosado, Juan Antonio; Ordonez-Fernandez, Antonio; Smani, Tarik FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2296-634X (2021) DOI / 10.3389/fcell.2021.639952 Green published, Gold
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Article Remodeling of Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niches Promotes Myeloid Cell Expansion during Premature or Physiological Aging Ho, Ya-Hsuan; Del Toro, Raquel; Rivera-Torres, Jose; Rak, Justyna; Korn, Claudia; Garcia-Garcia, Andres; Macias, David; Gonzalez-Gomez, Cristina; del Monte, Alberto; Wittner, Monika; Waller, Amie K.; Foster, Holly R.; Lopez-Otin, Carlos; Johnson, Randall S CELL STEM CELL 1934-5909 (2019) DOI / 10.1016/j.stem.2019.06.007 Hybrid, Green published
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Article Heterotopic ossification in mice overexpressing Bmp2 in Tie2+lineages Prados, Belen; Del Toro, Raquel; MacGrogan, Donal; Gomez-Apinaniz, Paula; Papoutsi, Tania; Munoz-Canoves, Pura; Mendez-Ferrer, Simon; Luis de la Pompa, Jose CELL DEATH & DISEASE 2041-4889 (2021) DOI / 10.1038/s41419-021-04003-0 Green published, Gold
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Article Role of VHL, HIF1A and SDH on the expression of miR-210: Implications for tumoral pseudo-hypoxic fate Merlo, Anna; Bernardo-Castineira, Cristobal; Saenz-de-Santa-Maria, Ines; Pitiot, Ana S.; Balbin, Milagros; Astudillo, Aurora; Valdes, Nuria; Scola, Bartolome; Del Toro, Raquel; Mendez-Ferrer, Simon; Piruat, Jose I.; Suarez, Carlos; Chiara, Maria-Dolores ONCOTARGET 1949-2553 (2017) DOI / 10.18632/oncotarget.14265 Green published, Gold, Green submitted