Trabajos de Francisco Gonzalez-Galindo

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  Listando 9 trabajos del autor/autora 37
Lista de trabajos en el área Geosciences
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Article MAVEN/NGIMS Thermospheric Neutral Wind Observations: Interpretation Using the M-GITM General Circulation Model Roeten, Kali J.; Bougher, Stephen W.; Benna, Mehdi; Mahaffy, Paul R.; Lee, Yuni; Pawlowski, Dave; Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco; Angel Lopez-Valverde, Miguel JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 2169-9097 (2019) DOI / 10.1029/2019je005957 Green published
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Article Spatial, Seasonal, and Solar Cycle Variation of the Martian Total Electron Content (TEC): Is the TEC a Good Tracer for Atmospheric Cycles? Sanchez-Cano, Beatriz; Lester, Mark; Witasse, Olivier; Blelly, Pierre-Louis; Indurain, Mikel; Cartacci, Marco; Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco; Vicente-Retortillo, Alvaro; Cicchetti, Andrea; Noschese, Raffaella JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 2169-9097 (2018) DOI / 10.1029/2018je005626 Green published, Gold other
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Article Modelling Wind-Driven Ionospheric Dynamo Currents at Mars: Expectations for InSight Magnetic Field Measurements Lillis, Robert J.; Fillingim, Matthew O.; Ma, Yingjuan; Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco; Forget, Francois; Johnson, Catherine L.; Mittelholz, Anna; Russell, Christopher T.; Andersson, Laila; Fowler, Christopher M. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 0094-8276 (2019) DOI / 10.1029/2019gl082536 Green published
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Article Water Vapor Vertical Profiles on Mars in Dust Storms Observed by TGO/NOMAD Aoki, S.; Vandaele, A. C.; Daerden, F.; Villanueva, G. L.; Liuzzi, G.; Thomas, I. R.; Erwin, J. T.; Trompet, L.; Robert, S.; Neary, L.; Viscardy, S.; Clancy, R. T.; Smith, M. D.; Lopez-Valverde, M. A.; Hill, B.; Ristic, B.; Patel, M. R.; Bellucci, G.; Lope JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 2169-9097 (2019) DOI / 10.1029/2019je006109 Green published, Green accepted
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Article On the Origins of Mars' Exospheric Nonthermal Oxygen Component as Observed by MAVEN and Modeled by HELIOSARES Leblanc, F.; Chaufray, J. Y.; Modolo, R.; Leclercq, L.; Curry, S.; Luhmann, J.; Lillis, R.; Hara, T.; McFadden, J.; Halekas, J.; Schneider, N.; Deighan, J.; Mahaffy, P. R.; Benna, M.; Johnson, R. E.; Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Forget, F.; Lopez-Valverde, M. A.; JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 2169-9097 (2017) DOI / 10.1002/2017je005336 Green published, Bronze
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Article Seasonal and Geographical Variability of the Martian Ionosphere From Mars Express Observations Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Eusebio, D.; Nemec, F.; Peter, K.; Kopf, A.; Tellmann, S.; Paetzold, M. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 2169-9097 (2021) DOI / 10.1029/2020je006661 Gold other
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Article Mesospheric OH layer altitude at midlatitudes: variability over the Sierra Nevada Observatory in Granada, Spain (37 degrees N, 3 degrees W) Garcia-Comas, Maya; Jose Lopez-Gonzalez, Maria; Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco; Luis De la Rosa, Jose; Lopez-Puertas, Manuel; Shepherd, Marianna G.; Shepherd, Gordon G. ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE 0992-7689 (2017) DOI / 10.5194/angeo-35-1151-2017 Green submitted, Gold
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Article Tidal Wave-Driven Variability in the Mars Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Thaller, Scott A.; Andersson, Laila; Pilinski, Marcin Dominik; Thiemann, Edward; Withers, Paul; Elrod, Meredith; Fang, Xiaohua; Gonzalez-Galindo, Francisco; Bougher, Stephen; Jenkins, Geoffrey ATMOSPHERE (2020) DOI / 10.3390/atmos11050521 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article UV Dayglow Variability on Mars: Simulation With a Global Climate Model and Comparison With SPICAM/MEx Data Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Chaufray, J-Y; Forget, F.; Garcia-Comas, M.; Montmessin, F.; Jain, S. K.; Stiepen, A. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS 2169-9097 (2018) DOI / 10.1029/2018je005556 Green published