Trabajos de Raul Dominguez

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Agricultural Sciences

  Listando 23 trabajos del autor/autora 38
Lista de trabajos en el área Agricultural Sciences
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Review Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Athletes. A Systematic Review Dominguez, Raul; Cuenca, Eduardo; Luis Mate-Munoz, Jose; Garcia-Fernandez, Pablo; Serra-Paya, Noemi; Lozano Estevan, Maria Carmen; Veiga Herreros, Pablo; Vicente Garnacho-Castano, Manuel NUTRIENTS (2017) DOI / 10.3390/nu9010043 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Effects of beta-alanine supplementation during a 5-week strength training program: a randomized, controlled study Luis Mate-Munoz, Jose; Lougedo, Juan H.; Garnacho-Castano, Manuel, V; Veiga-Herreros, Pablo; del Carmen Lozano-Estevan, Maria; Garcia-Fernandez, Pablo; de Jesus, Fernando; Guodemar-Perez, Jesus; San Juan, Alejandro F.; Dominguez, Raul JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION (2018) DOI / 10.1186/s12970-018-0224-0 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Review Effects of beetroot juice supplementation on intermittent high-intensity exercise efforts Dominguez, Raul; Luis Mate-Munoz, Jose; Cuenca, Eduardo; Garcia-Fernandez, Pablo; Mata-Ordonez, Fernando; Carmen Lozano-Estevan, Maria; Veiga-Herreros, Pablo; Fernandes da Silva, Sandro; Vicente Garnacho-Castano, Manuel JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION (2018) DOI / 10.1186/s12970-017-0204-9 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Performance and Fatigue in a 30-s All-Out Sprint Exercise: A Randomized, Double-Blind Cross-Over Study Cuenca, Eduardo; Jodra, Pablo; Perez-Lopez, Alberto; Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Liliana G.; Fernandes da Silva, Sandro; Veiga-Herreros, Pablo; Dominguez, Raul NUTRIENTS (2018) DOI / 10.3390/nu10091222 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Review Acute caffeine supplementation in combat sports: a systematic review Lopez-Gonzalez, Luis M.; Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio J.; Mata, Fernando; Jodra, Pablo; Antonio, Jose; Dominguez, Raul JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION (2018) DOI / 10.1186/s12970-018-0267-2 Green published, Gold
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Review Caffeine and Cognitive Functions in Sports: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Calvo, Jorge Lorenzo; Fei, Xueyin; Dominguez, Raul; Pareja-Galeano, Helios NUTRIENTS (2021) DOI / 10.3390/nu13030868 Green published, Gold
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Article Effects of a single dose of beetroot juice on cycling time trial performance at ventilatory thresholds intensity in male triathletes Vicente Garnacho-Castano, Manuel; Palau-Salva, Guillem; Cuenca, Eduardo; Munoz-Gonzalez, Arturo; Garcia-Fernandez, Pablo; del Carmen Lozano-Estevan, Maria; Veiga-Herreros, Pablo; Luis Mate-Munoz, Jose; Dominguez, Raul JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION (2018) DOI / 10.1186/s12970-018-0255-6 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Editorial Material Carbohydrate Availability and Physical Performance: Physiological Overview and Practical Recommendations Mata, Fernando; Valenzuela, Pedro L.; Gimenez, Jaume; Tur, Carles; Ferreria, Diogo; Dominguez, Raul; Jesus Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio; Martinez Sanz, Jose Miguel NUTRIENTS (2019) DOI / 10.3390/nu11051084 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Effects of caffeine supplementation on physical performance and mood dimensions in elite and trained-recreational athletes Jodra, P.; Lago-Rodriguez, A.; Sanchez-Oliver, A. J.; Lopez-Samanes, A.; Perez-Lopez, A.; Veiga-Herreros, P.; San Juan, A. F.; Dominguez, R. JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION (2020) DOI / 10.1186/s12970-019-0332-5 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Association between Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Physical Fitness with Body Composition Parameters in 1717 European Adolescents: The AdolesHealth Study Galan-Lopez, Pablo; Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio J.; Pihu, Maret; Gisladottir, Thordis; Dominguez, Raul; Ries, Francis NUTRIENTS (2020) DOI / 10.3390/nu12010077 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article High Dose of Caffeine Mouth Rinse Increases Resistance Training Performance in Men Karayigit, Raci; Koz, Mitat; Sanchez-Gomez, Angela; Naderi, Alireza; Yildirim, Ulas Can; Dominguez, Raul; Gur, Fatih NUTRIENTS (2021) DOI / 10.3390/nu13113800 Green published, Gold
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Article Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on a 30-s High-Intensity Inertial Cycle Ergometer Test Dominguez, Raul; Vicente Garnacho-Castano, Manuel; Cuenca, Eduardo; Garcia-Fernandez, Pablo; Munoz-Gonzalez, Arturo; de Jesus, Fernando; Del Carmen Lozano-Estevan, Maria; Fernandes da Silva, Sandro; Veiga-Herreros, Pablo; Luis Mate-Munoz, Jose NUTRIENTS (2017) DOI / 10.3390/nu9121360 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article A Survey on Dietary Supplement Consumption in Amateur and Professional Rugby Players Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio Jesus; Dominguez, Raul; Lopez-Tapia, Paola; Tobal, Francisco Miguel; Jodra, Pablo; Montoya, Juan Jose; Guerra-Hernandez, Eduardo J.; Ramos-Alvarez, Juan Jose FOODS (2021) DOI / 10.3390/foods10010007 Green published, Gold
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Review Effects of an Acute Exercise Bout on Serum Hepcidin Levels Dominguez, Raul; Jesus Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio; Mata-Ordonez, Fernando; Feria-Madueno, Adrian; Grimaldi-Puyana, Moises; Lopez-Samanes, Alvaro; Perez-Lopez, Alberto NUTRIENTS (2018) DOI / 10.3390/nu10020209 Green published, Green submitted, Gold
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Article Caffeine Supplementation Improves Anaerobic Performance and Neuromuscular Efficiency and Fatigue in Olympic-Level Boxers San Juan, Alejandro F.; Lopez-Samanes, Alvaro; Jodra, Pablo; Valenzuela, Pedro L.; Rueda, Javier; Veiga-Herreros, Pablo; Perez-Lopez, Alberto; Dominguez, Raul NUTRIENTS (2019) DOI / 10.3390/nu11092120 Gold DOAJ, Green accepted, Green published
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Article Effects of Caffeine Supplementation on Power Performance in a Flywheel Device: A Randomised, Double-Blind Cross-Over Study Castillo, Daniel; Dominguez, Raul; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Alejandro; Raya-Gonzalez, Javier NUTRIENTS (2019) DOI / 10.3390/nu11020255 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Effects of carbohydrate and caffeine mouth rinsing on strength, muscular endurance and cognitive performance Karayigit, Raci; Ali, Ajmol; Rezaei, Sajjad; Ersoz, Gulfem; Lago-Rodriguez, Angel; Dominguez, Raul; Naderi, Alireza JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION (2021) DOI / 10.1186/s12970-021-00462-0 Gold, Green published
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Review Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Weightlifting Exercise Performance in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review San Juan, Alejandro F.; Dominguez, Raul; Lago-Rodriguez, Angel; Montoya, Juan Jose; Tan, Rachel; Bailey, Stephen J. NUTRIENTS (2020) DOI / 10.3390/nu12082227 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Effects of Beetroot Juice Ingestion on Physical Performance in Highly Competitive Tennis Players Lopez-Samanes, Alvaro; Perez-Lopez, Alberto; Moreno-Perez, Victor; Nakamura, Fabio Yuzo; Acebes-Sinchez, Jorge; Quintana-Milla, Inaki; Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio J.; Moreno-Perez, Diego; Fernandez-Elias, Valentin Emilio; Dominguez, Raul NUTRIENTS (2020) DOI / 10.3390/nu12020584 Green published, Gold
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Article Use of Sports Supplements in Competitive Handball Players: Sex and Competitive Level Differences Munoz, Alejandro; Lopez-Samanes, Alvaro; Dominguez, Raul; Moreno-Perez, Victor; Jesus Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio; Del Coso, Juan NUTRIENTS (2020) DOI / 10.3390/nu12113357 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Analysis of Nutritional Supplements Consumption by Squash Players Ventura Comes, Anna; Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio J.; Miguel Martinez-Sanz, Jose; Dominguez, Raul NUTRIENTS (2018) DOI / 10.3390/nu10101341 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Review The Effect of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Isokinetic Torque in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Lago-Rodriguez, Angel; Dominguez, Raul; Ramos-Alvarez, Juan Jose; Tobal, Francisco Miguel; Jodra, Pablo; Tan, Rachel; Bailey, Stephen J. NUTRIENTS (2020) DOI / 10.3390/nu12103022 Gold DOAJ, Green published
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Article Analysis of Sport Supplement Consumption and Body Composition in Spanish Elite Rowers Dominguez, Raul; Lopez-Dominguez, Ruben; Lopez-Samanes, Alvaro; Gene, Pol; Antonio Gonzalez-Jurado, Jose; Jesus Sanchez-Oliver, Antonio NUTRIENTS (2020) DOI / 10.3390/nu12123871 Gold other, Green published